Post-Shoot Cull: The Aggressive Art of Selecting Your Best Photos

In my two-decade dance with the shutter, I've learned that photography's not just about snapping away—it's about pinpointing those standout shots that really tell a story. Sure, I've got 68TB of digital memories piled up, but the real magic happens during post-shoot culling. That's when I sift through the day's catch, cherry-picking the images that truly resonate.
Culling's not about losing bits of the journey; it's about zooming in on the best parts. It's a craft, a careful blend of art and decision-making that keeps my portfolio sharp and storage in check. And with tools like Photo Mechanic and Photoshop, I turn a mountain of 'maybes' into a showcase of 'definite.' It's all about keeping the gems and learning from the rest.